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Safety First, Second, and Third.

In the private jet industry, safety is unfortunately not equal among all of the aircraft charter operators and brokers.  There is a very wide range of management and standards.  Of course, every company is supposed to comply with the FAA, and you would hope that they all do…but believe it or not, many companies cut corners to save money…and cutting corners can lead to a compromise in your safety and the safety of others.

Safety is the most important priority for all Studio Jet Charter flights.  Several  independent companies, including ARG/US and Wyvern, certify or approve charter aircraft  that meet their specific strict aircraft charter safety standards. These  standards not only meet, but exceed the FAA’s basic requirements for charter  aircraft operations, maintenance, and crew requirements.  The Studio Jet flight operations team carefully researches, selects and utilize aircraft that have these such certifications and have an excellent safety record with the most reputable high level aircraft.

It’s not just about safety on paper…once Studio Jet’s Charter management team identifies top performing charter aircraft operators, they perform a second level of research to check on the length of time the company has been in business, its safety and maintenance history and it’s ongoing management practices…but it doesn’t end there.  Because Studio Jet Charter has been in business for nearly 20 years, we have our ear to the ground.  This means we know things about various charter operators’ history in the industry – things that don’t show up on a company’s website or colorful advertisement.  We know which charter operators and planes to stay away from and which aircraft are the safest in the helicopter and jet charter industry.

There’s even more….Aside from the rigorous safety inspections and regularly scheduled high quality  of maintenance on all aircraft in the Studio Jet Charter network, the crew  members are required to go through several mandatory training sessions each year, to  ensure that they are completely up-to-date in the specific aircraft they fly, as  well as compliance with latest FAA regulations. From required annual simulator training sessions to the thousands of hours of flight experience which each flight crew member must have, the incredibly competent flight crews that you will meet on your flight will make  you feel at home and safe.

Don’t take our word for it, call us today and experience flying with the safest executive jet aircraft and flight crews available.

Feel free to ask us more about safety when booking your next jet charter.  Call us today at 818-769-3535